OK, I know, I said I was done writing about Tivo, but this one’s different. I decided to spring for a second Tivo today. They’re only $100 right now for the DirecTV version. Last time they were that cheap was when I got my first one just over two years ago, and right before they discontinued the Series 1’s to roll out the Series 2’s. With that in mind, I was concerned that when I move out and want a second box for the bedroom the Series 2’s will be discontinued and the Series 3’s will be about to come out at $300. I have to activate it in the next 30 days, and that will cost me $5 more than if I waited until I actually move out as far as the service goes, but I thought it was worth $5 to not risk the box costing me $200 more. I also had to agree to another year of service, which really blows even though I’ll probably keep service for at least that year.