Warning! This is mostly a rant. If you don’t like ranting, don’t read this post.

Today CBS decided not to air their egregiously slanderous mini-series about former President Ronald Reagan. Instead, “The Reagan’s” will air on Showtime. While I am personally happy that it won’t be on CBS, and so it will have a much smaller audience, I am bothered that it was ever made in the first place. Many on the left are upset that this hateful fiction won’t be seen by millions. I wonder what would be said if someone made a movie about JFK, or Bill Clinton that took “artistic license” and had him saying things he never really said.

It goes to show that those who espouse an ideal are often times the ones most guilty of violating that same ideal. America has a group of people who champion the freedom of speech, but when they are challenged on their beliefs, they deny their opponents that same freedom. Most often, they throw derogatory names at those who disagree with them, knowing that most people don’t want to be thought of as [fill in derogatory name here]. If I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle & agenda, I am a homophobe. If I feel that people should be given jobs/promotions because of their merit, not their ethnicity, I am a racist. If I feel that the Constitution should be adhered to and government social programs should be run by the states (where the Constitution leaves those powers), I am uncompassionate because that would lead to the end of most social programs. I want the best for this country, and what the founders of this country realized was that if we seek the best for the individual, we will get what’s best for the country as a whole. I don’t think it’s in the best interest of anyone to be dependent on government handouts. I know that regardless of how nice homosexuals can be as people, their lifestyle is destructive. They have the highest rates of domestic abuse and disease, and shorter than average lifespans. The average gay man dies in his 40’s. I don’t want anyone to dies in their 40’s. I don’t want anyone to be a victim of abuse. This is why I support lifestyles that benefit those who live them. God doesn’t bestow disease on people who live certain lifestyles as a punishment. He knows the consequences and warns people to stay away.

I could go on all day. This was written mostly to clear my mind. My point would be that liberalism is empty. It seeks the best for people, but only in the short-term. It won’t accept solutions to problems that require responsibility. It ultimately denies the value of human life. It seeks to shift blame. It destroys.

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