Today I drove 120 miles (round trip) so that I could pee in a cup. I am not a big fan of this aspect of American Life. We have a principle in this country that people are innocent until proven guilty. Drug use is illegal. What the drug test says, in effect, is that you are guilty of using illicit drugs and we demand you prove your innocence. While I will concede that the innocent until proven guilty ideal is derived from Constitutional procedures, thus limited its official reach to government interaction with the people; the principle is universal in our culture. Or is it?

3 thoughts on “120 Miles to Pee in a Cup

  1. OH QUIT WHINING! I have to disagree with you on this one, from an employers percepective. Would you want a druggie to design your house?! However, from a friends point of view, I still would have to disagree. Pee in the cup and furgidaboudit. Ain’t no thang.

    Happy bday old timer!

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