I was just poking around on the Movable Type website. I know they’re going to be releasing version 3.0 soon, and wondered if they did yet. It looks like they haven’t yet, from what I can see, except for developers. I did notice, however, that they are charging for the software now. What I liked about Movable Type, and why I went with it, was because it was free, and open-source. You can still get a free version, but it’s so limited that I wouldn’t bother with it. You’re limited to just one author with the free version, and up to three blogs. I currently have seven blogs and four authors. I should mention that one of the seven blogs is, for now, private; one is this blog; and the rest are pretty much never used, but still. To their credit, three blogs means at three different websites. All of mine are technically part of the same website, so according to them I have one, but I do have four authors (two regulars on the private blog and two others on the rarely used Saturday Soup* that never post.)

I’ll likely be sticking with the version that I have now. If I ever decide to change, I will look for another free program. WordPress looks good, and appears to allow you to import all of your entries from Movable Type. If I ever get really bored, I may play around with that.

*A site that is now long dead – 6/13/06