I stumbled across this article today from a few weeks ago. It challenges everything we’ve been told about the world’s oil reserves, as well as the origins of crude oil. What the column doesn’t say directly is that if we went after domestic oil sources more aggressively, we’d not only drastically cut down on our dependence on foreign oil, but that dependence would pushed off further into the future than previously thought.

I don’t understand, in this post-9/11 era, why there is so much resistance to drilling for oil domestically. Alaska should be a non-issue. The Gulf of Mexico should be a non-issue. I once heard it said that ANWR is roughly the size of South Carolina. The area that would be affected by drilling is roughly the size of the Twin Cities International Airport. I fail to see why that’s a problem.

One thought on “Renewable Oil?

  1. I think that in the old days, they assumed that anything organic must be fossil. But the outer solar system is full of all kinds of organic stuff, and there are those carbonacious meterorites too.

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