If I were to describe my day so far, it wouldn’t sound too great. I am having a good day though. (One perk to being close to God). It started out by waking up at 5:15, and not getting back to sleep. I finally got out of bed at about 6:30, which gave me time to east some breakfast (much needed since I didn’t eat supper last night). I also had time to read Proverbs 5 and Matthew 3 & 4. It was nice to have time to do all that, but now I am tired. Cherry Coke to the rescue. (I don’t like to drink caffeine much any more, but sometimes it’s necessary.)

I have nothing to do at work right now, thus this entry, and I’ve been here two hours. The boss is awareof my lack of work, so hopefully I’ll get something to do. In the meantime, I plan to finish this entry and research to see if I can make folders on my website password protected. I think I can, especially since I don’t care if the passwords are encrypted. I just want to make a few folders inaccessable to the 99% of people that don’t have a clue how to hack it, and for that other 1%, not a big deal.