In my limited free time, I’ve been trying to fix the layout on this blog. It seems to be broken, but yet displaying the way I want it to in Mozilla/Firefox and Safari. It is not displaying the way I want it to in IE though. Although I rarely use IE, I have noticed that the right column appears to disappear depending on the width of the browser window. I say appears to because it actually slides down below everything else to the bottom of the page. I also notice that there is no margin at all on the left side of the main content column. It’s easiest to see in that the gray blockquote box seems to blend right into the left navigation column.

I still have extremely limited knowledge of php and css. I’ve been trying to read up on css here every free minute that I get, but still can’t figure out exactly how to make the layout look exactly the way I want it to. Ideally, I would like about 5 pixels of the background to show all the way around, or at least on the left and right sides. I’d like to maintain the black banner at the top that spans the width of the three columns together. I’d also like the side columns to be fixed at 200 pixels wide. I’d like the main column in the middle to be variable width, depending on the browser window. If I got everything I wanted, I’d separate the three columns by 5 pixels between each that would be the background color.

If anyone has any insight, please let me know. I’d be happy to forward on any page code that would help shed light on how to make this happen.

Thanks a ton 😉