Yesterday I got a new chair for my computer desk. The one I had was nice, it’s leather and big. It was really very uncomfortable though. I would get a back ache after sitting in it for just a few minutes. This new one is cloth, but much more comfortable, well worth the $75 price tag. For a while I had been using my mom’s chair, and put my leather chair in her “sewing room” for her to use. Once I got a full-time job and found myslef spending less time in front of the computer she wanted hers back though.

I hesitated to spend the money. With all my talk about apartments, it’s clear that I’m trying to move out, and so I need all the money I can get/keep from spending. Just the next day I don’t regret the purchase. $75 is deffinately worth less to me than the absense of back pain.

One thought on “Just Rambling…

  1. Hey Homer, I saw you stealin’ a chair off a bum under the 394 bridge yesterday! You didn’t buy that! In fact, not only did you take his chair, you also stole his last beer! Sheesh

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