I tend to follow politics a little more than the average American. It’s actually closely ties to my studies in Bible prophecy. I have become convinced that America as Americans know it is not falling apart, it’s already dead. Most people haven’t noticed because there are still some twitching nerved, much like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off.

Here’s a glimpse into why I think this. Most people naively think that the decision makers in America are the President and Legislative branch (the Senate and the House of Representatives). That’s a total of 536 people, not counting staff members and Cabinet members, et al. The truth is that America is run by only 5 people. The Supreme Court is made up of nine people, but need only five to pass a decision. Up until recently the Supreme Court was made up of honorable people who actually looked to the Constitution to decide cases. Lately though, they have been making decisions based on their own wishes, and declaring Constitutional principles that don’t exist. The “right” to an abortion based solely on the Constitutional right to privacy being example, albeit a 30 year old example. Another, more contemporary example is the decision that the states have no right to pass or enforce anti-sodomy laws. The most frustrating thing to me about watching my beloved country wither on the vine is the complete disregard for the sovereignty of the states. The Founders designed the makeup of our republican form of government to be such that the Federal Government would provide for the security of the people (through the military), regulate interstate commerce, regulate immigration, and coin money. Everything else was to be left to the states. What made this system great was that the people were free to live where the legal structure suited them best. If this were still the case today, someone could live in a low tax state with few (or no) social programs if he pleased. If he wanted social programs and was willing to pay for them, he could move to a state that had them.

What makes me mad now is that the Supreme Court is beginning to make decisions independent of the Constitution. The justices have said that they feel that we need to depend more heavily on foreign and international laws. I’m sorry, but I not only didn’t vote for foreign leaders, but I had no chance to vote against them, so they should have no say in the legal system of my country.

I gotta leave it at that for now. I could go on for weeks.