I was looking around the web for an updated county-by-county map of last week’s election. I came across a leftist blog with quite a few maps. The tone of the posts and comments was that so much of the country is stupid. They alse played on the map (I don’t know where this started) showing the blue states of the north and west cost incorporated into Canada, with the red states becoming the new nation of “Jesusland” (some are calling it “Jesustan”). I just had to post the following under the name “Intolerated”:

Why does the left shout “tolerance” from the hilltops and preach more hatred than anyone? If someone disagrees with you, they must automatically be evil in your mind. It seems freedom of speech is only for liberals, and tolerance applies only to the elitist left.

If you want to win people to your side of a political argument, calling them stupid isn’t going to help your case, to the contrary, it shows that your argument is extremely weak. If you want your side to start winning elections again, show some of your beloved tolerance towards those you disagree with. Mocking people with a faith in a higher power won’t win converts to the Church of Secular Humanism either.

No one runs to the arms of those who hate them. As long as you are under the delusion that those who ascribe to Conservatism wish to burn you at the stake you won’t bother listening to them. Well, same goes for you too. As long as I am going to be called hateful for holding different values than you, or stupid for supporting different methods of helping the needy, I will have no interest in hearing you at all.

Wake up Liberal, you’re playing the hate game that you accuse others of, and America is getting sick of it.

In order to tolerate someone or something, by definition you first have to disagree with it. If you agree, there is no need for tolerance. Take a good, hard look at yourself next time you consider throwing hateful names at people you disagree with, lest you be called “Hypocrite”.

8 thoughts on “Intolerated

  1. AO,
    Remember what we were told (my paraphrase) – We will be hated as Christ was hated.
    Now, I do not like being hated, but we will be as long as we abide in Christ. It’s just a fact, like the fact that the sky is blue and Russia is cold in the winter. Considering the eternal alternative, let ’em hate away.

  2. Agreed. No reason we can’t point out the hypocrisy though, especially considering we are labeled hypocrites at every turn.

    I just get frustrated with people hurling names at Christians & Conservatives by people guilty of the very things they accuse us of.

    Adding to what you said though, that’s why Jesus said to remove the plank from your own eye before removing the sliver from your brother’s eye.

  3. I certainly do get frustrated myself with the name calling. Which is why I am slowly getting disgusted with politics (too slowly for some important folks close to me) and these days I would rather talk about topics less controversial, like sharing the gospel of grace through Faith in Jesus Christ.

  4. Here Here. I have been saying it for years the names calling has been one-sided and it ain’t us. The left seems to always throw mud on us then call us dirty. Talking to a lady at work the other day she noted that the News Media had add to this by being so bias of late. I said at least now they are up front about it.

  5. I’ve personally been guilty of name-calling and mud-slinging. It’s so easy to do, especially in Seattle. There are SO many liberals, and so many of them are hideously ignorant of the truth. Arguing with them makes no sense; even if they lose, they refuse to admit the truth. A good friend of mine hates Bush, slanders him all the time, but she can’t explain why. She’s pro-life, fiscally conservative, she even spanks her kids. But, she hates Bush. It’s a no win situation.
    Many, MANY of my aquaintances are seriously considering the move to Canada. Could you imagine the uproar if a real conservative were in office?

  6. Steve, I’ve worked in downtown Minneapolis (and probably will again in the future), a very liberal city. My fiancee works at the same law firm as Walter Mondale, and is always getting beaten down verbally by liberals.

    I tend to get along with them fine just because I’ve been fortunate enough to be around the ones that are more respectful. They tend to seperate me from my political views.

    I know that’s not universal though. If you point out that free speech applies to conservatives too, and your views are as legitimate as theirs, they’ll usually temper their attitudes.

    No guarantees though.

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