HIV / AIDS is a contagious disease which is dangerous to public health. It should not be treated as a civil rights issue. Under no circumstances should the federal government continue to subsidize activities which have the effect of encouraging perverted or promiscuous sexual conduct. Criminal penalties should apply to those whose willful acts of omission or commission place members of the public at risk of contracting HIV / AIDS.

Constitutional Convention

We affirm the original text of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We affirm that the nation’s Charter, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution contain the foundational law of the federal union. We condemn, therefore, all legislative, executive, and judicial action that departs from the texts and intent of the Charter and the Constitution and their original meaning.

We oppose any attempt to call for a Constitutional convention, for any purpose whatsoever, because it cannot be limited to any single issue, and such convention could seriously erode our Constitutionally protected unalienable rights.

Cost of Big Government

A legitimate and primary purpose of civil government is to
safeguard the God-given rights of its citizens; namely, life, liberty,
and property. Only those duties, functions, and programs specifically
assigned to the federal government by the Constitution should be
funded. We call upon Congress and the President to stop all federal
expenditures which are not specifically authorized by the U. S.
Constitution, and to restore to the states those powers, programs, and
sources of revenue that the federal government has usurped.

Budget considerations are greatly impacted by the ever rising
national debt. Interest on the debt is one of the largest expenses of
government, and unless the interest is paid, the debt will continue to
grow as interest is added to interest. If we are to get rid of the
debt, a time needs to be set within which the debt will be funded, and
then pay it off within that period. Whatever the payoff period may be,
three things must happen within that time.

  • The annual reductions have to be made without fail.
  • All interest must be paid as it accrues; and
  • The government must not spend more than it takes in during the payoff period.

One of the greatest contributors to deficit spending is war. If the
country is to get rid of debt, the United States cannot become
gratuitously involved in constant wars. Constitutional government, as
the founders envisioned it, was not imperial. It was certainly not
contemplated that America would police the world at the taxpayers’

We call for the systematic reduction of the federal debt through,
but not limited to, the elimination of further borrowing and the
elimination of unconstitutional programs and agencies.

We call upon the President to use his Constitutional veto power to
stop irresponsible and unconstitutional appropriations, and use his
Constitutional authority to refuse to spend any money appropriated by
Congress for unconstitutional programs or in excess of Constitutionally
imposed tax revenue.

The debt could be more rapidly eliminated if certain lands and other
assets currently held by the federal government were sold, and the
proceeds applied to the debt. This policy should be employed, and funds
from the sale of all such assets should be specifically applied to debt

We reject the misleading use of the terms “surplus” and “balanced
budget” as long as we have public debt. We oppose dishonest accounting
practices such as “off-budget items” used to hide unconstitutional
spending practices.

We call for an end to the raiding by the federal government of the
Social Security, Railroad Retirement and Medicare funds. We believe
that over a protracted period the Social Security system may be
privatized without disadvantage to the beneficiaries of the system.
However, the program has been in place since the 1930s, and workers and
their employers were taxed for the program and paid in good faith. The
government promised to deliver the benefits, and must meet this

We call for the abolition of the Civil Service system, which is
perceived to confer on government employees a “property right”
regarding their jobs.


We affirm the integrity of the international borders of the United States and the Constitutional authority and duty of the federal government to guard and to protect those borders, including the regulation of the numbers and of the qualifications of immigrants into the country.

Each year approximately one million legal immigrants and almost as many illegal aliens enter the United States. These immigrants – including illegal aliens – have been made eligible for various kinds of public assistance, including housing, education, Social Security, and legal services. This unconstitutional drain on the federal Treasury is having a severe and adverse impact on our economy, increasing the cost of government at federal, state, and local levels, adding to the tax burden, and stressing the fabric of society. The mass importation of people with low standards of living threatens the wage structure of the American worker and the labor balance in our country.

We oppose the abuse of the H-1B and L-1 visa provisions of the immigration act which are displacing American workers with foreign.

We favor a moratorium on immigration to the United States, except in extreme hardship cases or in other individual special circumstances, until the availability of all federal subsidies and assistance be discontinued, and proper security procedures have been instituted to protect against terrorist infiltration.

We also insist that every individual group and/or private agency which requests the admission of an immigrant to the U.S., on whatever basis, be required to commit legally to provide housing and sustenance for such immigrants, bear full responsibility for the economic independence of the immigrants, and post appropriate bonds to seal such covenants.

The Constitution Party demands that the federal government restore immigration policies based on the practice that potential immigrants will be disqualified from admission to the U.S. if, on the grounds of health, criminality, morals, or financial dependence, they would impose an improper burden on the United States, any state, or any citizen of the United States.

We oppose the provision of welfare subsidies and other taxpayer-supported benefits to illegal aliens, and reject the practice of bestowing U.S. citizenship on children born to illegal alien parents while in this country.

We oppose any extension of amnesty to illegal aliens. We call for the use of U.S. troops to protect the states against invasion.

We oppose bilingual ballots. We insist that those who wish to take part in the electoral process and governance of this nation be required to read and comprehend basic English as a precondition of citizenship. We support English as the official language for all governmental business by the United States.

Money and Banking

Money functions as both a medium of exchange and a symbol of a nation’s morality.

The Founding Fathers established a system of “coin” money that was
designed to prohibit the “improper and wicked” manipulation of the
nation’s medium of exchange while guaranteeing the power of the
citizens’ earnings.

The federal government has departed from the principle of “coin”
money as defined by the U.S. Constitution and the Mint Act of 1792 and
has granted unconstitutional control of the nation’s monetary and
banking system to the private Federal Reserve System.

The Constitution Party recommends a substantive reform of the system
of Federal taxation. In order for such reform to be effective, it is
necessary that the United States:

  • Return to the money system set forth in the Constitution;
  • Repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and reform the current Federal Reserve banks to become clearing houses only; and
  • Prohibit fractional reserve banking.

It is our intention that no system of “debt money” shall be imposed
on the people of the United States. We support a debt free,
interest free money system.