I’m still not a big fan of Macs after using one for a little over a week. I did find one thing that made a big difference though. I brought a mouse from home that has 2 buttons and a wheel. It makes things a lot easier, and a little more like windows. I give Apple credit for making stuff that looks cool, but the usability factor really stinks. For a while I was using a mouse tat was round, like a hocky puck – horrible ergonomics. I also tried a newer Apple mouse that fit in my hand a lot better, but with only 1 button, it was hard to use. People really love to bash Windows because Microsoft makes it, but I would never switch to Apple. Even KDE on Linux is better in my mind. People talk about Macs being “user friendly” – yeah, if you’re an old lady whose never used a computer before. I think the other systems are worth the time in learning.

But the 2-button mouse does make it a little better!