I missed this story back in June about forced mental health screening. I learned of it today via a link at the bottom of this story. This is just sickening!!

The story mentions ties between the Bush Administration and the drug companies. I can’t see myself willingly undergoing government screening of my mental condition. I’ve long suspected that eventually all Christians will be considered mentally ill and forced to undergo “treatment”. I didn’t realize that the groundwork was being laid so soon. Of course the story doesn’t mention Christianity, or anything else along those lines, but no one is going to suggest out of the blue that we begin screening people and deeming them unhealthy because of their faith. Incrementalism is the key.

I’m young, and haven’t paid a ton of attention to politics until the last few years, bu I’ve seen government grab more power under the current Administration than under any other. If George Bush and the Republicans are such freedom lovers, why is this the case? It scares the crap out of me to think of what a future tyrrant will do with the power we are currently giving the government.

If this gets enacted and it doesn’t lead to total and open revolt, I don’t know what will.