Lee speaks his mind about an old post from April 9th.

You don’t suddenly become president when its time to run for reelection. In the 1,298 days since bush has taken office, 4 million have lost health insurance, 1.8 million jobs have been lost and four million young people have dropped out of high school. That’s what a lack of a domestic agenda will do for a nation. It shouldn’t take a political campaign to focus on families.

WHERE is the Bush plan to get our soldiers home and let Iraq build its own country! Should we rebuild them (so they can produce more oil and charge up through the nose for it) WHILE americans are homeless, crime is on the rise, americans are out of work, americans are hungry, the elderly here cannot afford to buy medicine to ease their pains???

WHERE is the international diplomacy? Regardless of your personal thoughts- the leaders of our Ally Nationals are not to be dismissed because you feel that someone “kicked sand in your face”.

Where is the Constitution is the government given the power to take care of your or my health insurance? Where is the Constitution is the government given the power to run schools? If they had such power, what politician – of either party – could compel students not to drop out? What do the liberals care about families. It’s the liberal ideals of welfare, abortion-on-demand, no-fault-divorce, “sex-ed” at younger and younger ages, and “gay rights” (to name a few) that are tearing families apart.

I don’t defend Bush, but Kerry has said he would not bring the troops home from Iraq.

so they can produce more oil and charge up through the nose for it

The law of supply and demand (as is what governs any commodity market – including oil) says that producing more causes prices to go DOWN.

WHILE americans are homeless,…

As bad as it sounds, there will ALWAYS be homeless people, even in America. I’m sure you’re against the Bush tax-cuts because “they favor the rich”. I say they don’t go nearly far enough. And when the rich have money, they can afford to hire more people, which benefits everyone.

…crime is on the rise,…

Actually, from the sources I’ve seen, violent crime has been decreasing over the course of the last decade, during both Clinton AND Bush Administrations.

americans are hungry,…

In America, the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be OBESE!!!. No one is starving in this country. Those who don’t have anything know where to get food stamps, and they know where the soup kitchens are.

the elderly here cannot afford to buy medicine to ease their pains???

It’s not my responsibility to buy your grandmother morphine for her pain. That would be YOUR responsibility. You are afraid for American families, why don’t you start with your own. I don’t expect you to pay for my grandmother’s health bills.

WHERE is the international diplomacy? Regardless of your personal thoughts- the leaders of our Ally Nationals are not to be dismissed because you feel that someone “kicked sand in your face”.

Boo Hoo. A bunch of French and German sissies weren’t willing to enforce over 17 resolutions passed by your beloved United Nations because they were getting some sweet black-market oil and weapons deals with Saddam and didn’t want to lose that. That means we’re supposed to do nothing? Over 60 countries backed us, many with troops. Don’t insult them by saying there was no “International diplomacy”.

Now if you want to attack me as a Bush supporter, go back and read through other posts on my blog. I didn’t vote for Bush in 2000, and I won’t in November. That doesn’t mean that I join the Michael Moore’s of the world in attacking him. He’s disappointed enough people on the right that we’re going after him from the other side.

2 thoughts on “Angry Liberal?

  1. Then who are you voting for? As for me, a Repiblican by birth and choice, I am afraid our choices are somewhat limited to two others who are not qualified to be President. At least Bush has had four years of experience. I refrain a little bit on his poor domestic policies…but despite my more social side, its not time for that particular agenda to rise to the top…although he should have sought an equal 87B for domestic programs here in this land. No the constitution doesn’t grant a right that the Gov should pay for health care, but in an upward mobile culture, it does make since that all boats should be healthy so they float…peace

  2. I support, wholeheartedly, Michael Peroutka of the Constitution Party. His values are closer to my own than any other candidate for President. I see Bush as the lesser of two evils, but evil none-the-less, and I will not support evil. My second choice would be Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party.

    Every generation that has ever lived has considered themselves to be the most sophisticated to date (upward mobile as you call it). I disagree and believe that the generation that formulated and enacted the Constitution was far more sophisticated than we are. The Federalist Papers, considered too confusing to most today, were written for the benefit of the average farmer in New York at the time. The average person could read Greek, Latin, or both. They understood that the society that thrives the most is one with a government that governs least.

    It is counter to the notion of private property to take from one person to fulfill the needs of another. It also goes against the commandment “Thou shalt not covet”. God didn’t include a footnote that allowed coveting for worthy causes.

    Government programs that operate outside the original scope of the Constitution, funded by taxpayer dollars, amount to nothing but collectivist theft. The government today may be a form of Robin Hood, taking from the rich to give to the poor, but Robin Hood was a jack-booted thug that deserved to be hung. Taking from one to give to the other benefits only the middleman.

    I’ve always said that if you hire the government to do your stealing, you’re no less of a thief.

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