3 thoughts on “Why Defeat Bush?

  1. I’m tired of watching Kerry lose this election in every way imaginable. Is the Democratic party behind this candidate or purposefully throwing in the towel in order to ferment plans for 2008? ATTACK ! NOW ! LOUDLY ! I have used several talking points with friends and relatives. I ALWAYS leave them silent. The following tidbits will fire up the Dems., give thought to the Middle and remind Reps. of Bush’s lack of interest in their real issues:

    1. Flip-flopping ???
    Where was Bush on Dept. of Homeland Security before 9/11?
    Where was Bush on a Director (Czar if you wish) of Intelligence before 9/11 commission report?
    Where was Bush on nation building before 9/11?
    Where was Bush on decreasing the size of government before he got into office?
    How helpful was Bush team with commissions investigating 9/11 and intel. ?????

    2. What did Bush accomplish as governor of Texas?
    Did he turn the state around? Any great accomplishments?
    How would anyone know given he sealed and shipped his gubernatorial records to his daddy’s library post haste. Have they ever been released by dad? I know the state librarians were seeking a court order.

    3. How did Bush get where he is?
    High school grades get him into Yale?
    Good service record get him into National Guard?
    Good business sense get him into Rangers ownership?
    And, by the way weren’t there some legal questions regarding that one.
    Man, I don’t care if Kerry fibbed about Vietnam. Compare their history !!!!

    4. Bring in some Dem. Vs Rep. history !!! Many are unaware of these tidbits.
    Three of last four Presidents campaigned on shrinking government. Only one accomplished it – BILL !!!! and he didn’t even campaign on that issue.
    Three Reps. Built huge deficits – Bill Built huge surplus !!!!!!!
    Bill’s surplus provided once in a lifetime opportunity to “fix” social security and medicare (according to Paul O’Neal and Alan Greenspan.) Bush threw away that opportunity.

    5. Why protect Reagan? Look at the three things a leader can do to encourage terrorism:
    1. Cut and run – need I say Lebanon
    2. Fund terrorists activities – Hmmm, Afghanistan comes to mind. In fact, some of the Bush posse is going after Muslims in the U.S. who had supported the Taliban. Of course, that was at the same time that our government was also. Oh, yeah I do recall we were giving aid and comfort to the evil doer – Saddam also.
    3. Concessions – Wow, arms for hostages is kinda like that isn’t it.

    6. When Reps. Bring up “bad” Clinton laws and reforms, remind them of who controlled the congress at that time ! Show how many times named Reps. sided with Kerry on his “anti” military votes.

    7. Listen closely to Rush and Sean. These two lunatics are recruiting some Dems. and a lot of Middles. You can rip their news and views to shreds. Just yesterday, Rush suggested that we are fighting the war on terrorism with surrogates (Iraq) like we did against the Russians. He recalled Vietnam, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Cuba. Oh MY GOD, and he claims to be a genius!! He obviously learned nothing from history. How do you think the Taliban and Saddam got their power?!!! Surrogates? You must be kidding!

    Please fight the battle.
    Mark Woods
    Lombard, IL

  2. I’m fighting the battle, but from the other side. I despise socialists, be they Democrat or “Republican”. I am putting my support behind a guy who seeks to actually shrink government and return it to the free Republic it was intended to be under the Constitution.

    It’s obvious that you found this post via a Google search, and didn’t bother checking out the main page. I’m far from supporting the Democrats, I’m more of a Libertarian, considerably to the right of the Republicans. I believe in strict Constitutionalism, Judeo-Christian values, and freedom in the truest sense of the word.

    I couldn’t care less about the skeletons in the closets of Kerry or Bush. They’re just distractions. What I care about is action. Bush, in my opinion is the lesser of the two evils, but still evil. I don’t support evil, be it lesser or greater.

    If you want to raise support for Kerry, or any Democrat for that matter, this isn’t the place to do it. My regular readers are, for the most part, Christian, and Libertarian/Conservative.

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