With the threat of terrorism looming over us since September 2001 (really it goes back much further than that, but…) I am less and less optimistic about the future. Put this story, about a process being sought to cancel (or postpone) an election in the event of a terrorist attack with this story about a recent warning of a major attack by Al-Qaida near the time of the election and this story, which details Gen. Tommy Franks’ assertion that the Constitution may not survive an attack with a WMD, and you’ve got some scary prospects for this fall.

I certainly hope that this is another Y2K, that is a serious threat that never materializes, but I am skeptical about the future. Like Y2K, I think it is important to be ready, but not consumed by worry. Jesus said “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not!” (Luke 12:25 NLT).

The interesting thing is that they don’t seem to be trying to hide their possible intentions. They’re just making us do the linking ourselves, you won’t hear those stories put together on any main-stream news source. I recommend reading Nate’s post on bug out bags from April 15, 2004.