During the recount of the 2000 Presidential Election, I heard it said that the only way to create “dimpled,” “swinging”, or “hanging” chads, which were the center of the disputed vote count in Florida, is to try to punch through several ballots at the same time. The only reason that would happen is voter fraud. Because it was Gore who wanted those votes counted, it’s my believe that there was rampant voter fraud in his favor and he knew it. He was upset because the election was supposed to be stolen for him and his cronies fell a few hundred stolen votes shy of succeeding.

That said, it angers me to hear democrats continue to cry over their loss. This, however, scares the crap out of me.

“Let me get this straight,” wrote Joe Mariani in GOPUSA.com. “A group of Democrats want to bring some people from countries like North Korea, Iran, Syria, China and Cuba – people that have never seen a democratic election in their lifetimes – to sit in judgment on our elections? What kind of voodoo politics is that? The last time a foreign body had any direct influence over the political process of this country, the situation was corrected by a war for our freedom from British rule. Are these so-called Americans so willing to surrender that hard-won right of self-determination now, and to such a shamelessly scandal-ridden group of anti-American dictatorships and terrorist sympathizers? We may as well dissolve the Union now and save ourselves the pain of watching it done for us.”

The “god of this world” seems to be working hard to kill, steal, and destroy. I thank God He is ultimately in charge though!