While I’m not shocked out of my socks, I am surprised that Edwards was selected as Kerry’s running-mate. I kind of figured that Hillary would find a way to get picked. It strikes me that Kerry is supposed to lose this election. It’s been clear that Hillary intends to run for President in 2008, which would be a bit difficult if Kerry wins this round. That’s why I figured she’d run for VP. Dick Morris has been making a good case recently why she would run. It keeps her in the spotlight. If Kerry wins, she can’t run in 2008 because Kerry will want to be re-elected. It also makes 2012 difficult because Kerry’s VP, now John Edwards, will want to run for President. If Hillary had been the VP candidate in this round and lost, she could easily put the blame on Kerry, and still have the limelight in ’08.

Fortunately for her, Ralph Nader seems to be commanding enough support in current polls to possibly effect the outcome of the election more-so than he did four years ago.