last night I got slammed by comment spam. Mt-Blacklist caught 20 of them and prevented them from being posted. Only one got through. It’s gone now though. If anyone reads the comments here and wanted to know where to go to play online poker, I’m sorry, the link is gone now.

Overall, I’m very happy with MT-Blacklist. Not only does it catch a lot of comment spam, but I have a feeling it keeps spammers away, as they know that their links get rejected. Why waste your time spamming me when you can spam someone who doesn’t have software to stop you?

7 thoughts on “Slammed

  1. Tech problems regarding comments window. . .

    Your comment entry screen appears to have some problems (with IE at least). The text on the top (which is white against a black background) doesn’t appear until I minimize the window and then bring it back up. Also, I’m not allowed to make the window size bigger, which can be annoying when there is a long post and I’d rather not do so much scrolling (and I have a huge screen with a ton of real estate). Lastly, when I do scroll to read a long post, there are black horizontal lines from some apparent refresh glitch that clutter the window and hinder my reading.

    I like your blog, and I do check it. Keep it up!

  2. I have no idea how to make the text on top show up right or get rid of the black horizontal lines in IE. Here at work, I use a Mac,and everything shows up fine in Safari, Mozilla, Firefox, and IE 5.2 (the newest version of IE available on the Mac). I rarely go into IE at home on my XP machine, so I wouldn’t have noticed.

    I did figure out how to make the window resizable. I also increased the default size from 480 x 480 to 640 x 640.

    I’ll have to play around with it some in my free time to fix the IE problems, if they can be fixed without going back to default styles (boring!!!)

  3. How does it show up if, rather than clicking the comments link, you click the permalink (click on the time that the post was made)? You can post comments that way too.

  4. I can’t seem to duplicate the problem with the text (white on black background) at home on IE6/XP, but I do see what you are saying about the black lines. According to the support forums for Moveable Type, it is a bug in IE, specifically, it’s refered to as the “peekaboo bug”. There are ways of getting around it, but it will take some time for me to figure out how to implement the fix.

  5. The permalink does a similar thing with the white text not showing up on the black background.

    It’s much better to have the default size be 640 x 640.



  6. The comments are slow to post because of the spam blocker. It has to check your comment against a list of known spammers. Sorry I can’t fix that.

    Actually, a feature I should request for newer versions of the spam blocker is to have a safe list that it checks first, so that known non-spammers can get posted quicker.

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