Saturday morning I woke up to the phone ringing while staying at my parents’ place. Since pretty much everyone I know knows I don’t live there any more, I never answer the phone figuring it’s not only probably not for me, but it will be a task to find the person whom the call is for. Sure enough, it was for me. My mom knocked on the bedroom door to alert me to this. Since there hasn’t been a phone in my room since I moved out, I asked her for the phone, which happened to be in her hand. To my surprise, it was not my girlfriend, the only person I imagined would call me at my parents’. (As Christians, we are not only not sleeping together, but we don’t sleep in the same house unless there are others there too, and then we sleep on opposite sides of the house).

The call was from a pollster with the Bush/Cheney campaign. How do these people get my name, address, and phone number? When I registered to vote, at age 18, if I registered as a member of a party, it was Democrat. I have since seen the light, and now despise Democratic politics. My point is I have no idea how the Republicans know about me.

He asked me four questions:

Can Mr. Bush count on your support in November?
I’m planning to vote for Michael Peroutka.

Are you pro-life, or pro-choice?
Very Pro-life

Are you afraid that the Democrats will raise your taxes when the economy improves?
I suppose I am

Are you registered to vote?
yes I am

I suppose I could have answered the tax question a little better, and said that I am, but I’m equally afraid that the Republicans will do nothing to repeal the unconstitutional tax system, but I didn’t. They guy was lucky I didn’t hang up on him when I found out he was someone who has never met me.

Hopefully the Peroutka answer will do something to show that true conservatives are unhappy with the current administration.