I’ll be abstaining from one of my favorite pizzas indefinitely. Pizza Hut recently fired a man for defending himself against a would-be robber/murderer. According to the story, he was delivering in a high-crime area and had a gun pulled on him. He immediately drew a gun himself and emptied it on the would-be attacker. Law enforcement is not pressing charges because it was obviously self-defense. Pizza Hut, however, fired the man for violating the company’s no gun gun policy. As the article says

“I hope those of you in the media will realize the incredible unfairness of a huge company telling its employees – in essence – they must agree to die for the company rather than use legal reasonable means to defend themselves,” Rick Whitham, an Indianapolis attorney, told WND. He says he saw Pizza Hut’s action as “clear discrimination against those who choose to lawfully exercise a legal, heavily regulated right.”

As long as companies like Pizza Hut take a stance against a person’s legal right to protect his own life, I’ll be taking a stance against them getting any money from me.

I was pleased to see that the police did the right thing and let him off without charges. No one should be charged with a crime for saving his own life, even if it costs his would-be-killer his life.