I became a born-again Christian about five years ago, and it happened because of an audio commentary on Bible Prophecy & current events (half of which is available here.) Since then I’ve always been intrigued with prophecy and have endeavored to learn as much as I can. Interestingly, although (in my opinion, as well as the opinions of many others) we seem to be nearing the end of the Biblical timeline and the return of Christ to set up His kingdom, the United States seems to be left out of the cast of major players involved in the end-times scenario. There are many speculations as to why that is. Optimistically, some hope that it is because by the time the major events happen, much of the population of the U.S. will have been raptured, leaving the rest in enough chaos that America is easily taken over by a more powerful entity such as the revived Roman Empire (the modern EU?) headed by Anti-Christ. One possibility is that America declines and/or falls apart. I think it would be kind of cool if this were part of the reason. I know, it’s a bit out there, and I must be twisted to stretch my mind that far. What I’m trying to get at is that it would be cool to see that happen. If it did, and didn’t lead to a second Civil War, I would expect that similar measures would be taken in other states, eventually leading to the dissolution of the Republic. Once one group of people (Christians) succeeds in seceding from the Union to set up their own form of government, other groups (Liberals, Environmentalists, Libertarians, Pagans, Atheists, or whatever) will seek to do the same in other states. Sadly, if we had stuck to the Constitutional model, it wouldn’t be necessary. What is so wonderful about the American Experiment is that it was always intended that each of the States would retain a large amount of sovereignty, and the Union was only intended to be a way of strengthening commerce and defense among the states. Most of the laws that we currently have at the Federal level are unconstitutional as they stand, but would be Constitutional if those same laws were enacted at the state level. Under the original model, if one state wanted to be more restrictive, they could be, and those who liked that model could move to that state. If another state wanted to be free and open, with little government involvement in people’s lives, they could.

I am hopeful but skeptical that Christian Exodus will be successful, and that it will send a powerful message to the Federal Government and remaining states. I fear, however, that if it does succeed, it will be the final blow that will destroy the Republic. If that is the case, I would rather live in a free and open State than a restrictive Nation.

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