I’ve been listening to the radio at work, and all week all I hear about, regardless of who I’m listening to, is the pictures that came out earlier this week of mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners. It doesn’t cease to amaze me how the left handles issues such as this. Now, no American I know of is proud that prisoners were mistreated. I can’t figure out the vitriolic hatred expressed by the left though. There are these calls for apologies from everyone from the soldiers involved all the way to the President and everyone in between. President Bush did go on Arab TV earlier this week to apologize, but it isn’t enough. Why weren’t these same people calling for the Iraqis to apologize when they killed four of our citizens there to help them rebuild their country, burned them, dragged them through the streets, and hung them from a bridge. There are always going to be some real douche-bags in every army, including the most virtuous army on Earth. At least they didn’t torture and kill these prisoners, like the previous ruler of their country. The U.S. Military doesn’t have rape rooms, hasn’t gassed anyone, and hasn’t thrown dissidents into large plastic shredders feet first.

They got their apology, now let it go!