Since Saturday, a lot is coming out about the other two Conventions in Minnesota, the 4th District and the 6th District. It seems there were a lot of hijinks going on, especially in 6.

The Party Elites in that district figured out that Ron Paul’s supporters were organizing and intending to get National delegates. Nothing is wrong with organizing to support each other, and nothing is wrong with countering an organization. However, the 6th district nominating committee tried to control the process, rather than leaving things to the people. The candidates for Delegate and Alternate were asked directly “Will you support John McCain if elected Delegate/Alternate?” This is a bit slanted and clearly meant to intimidate. Had they asked much more plainly “Who do you support to become the Republican Candidate for President?” they could have avoided the appearance of bias.

At least one of the delegates said he would support McCain. When it was found out that he intends to support Paul, chaos ensued. After more than an hour, the convention voted by a slim margin to bind the Delegates to support McCain. There is some question over whether the State GOP rules allow that though.

It appears to me that there are a lot of people that are upset that their own lack of effort resulted in delegates getting elected for a candidate they don’t like. Boo-freaking-hoo! At our convention, a few politicians came and spoke: Governor Pawlenty, Senator Colman, state party chairman Ron Carey, and Congressional candidate Barb Davis White. I forget who, but I think it was Carey that said that the winners are the ones that show up. Well, Ron Paul’s people showed up. We got our delegates elected because a lot of non-Paul delegates didn’t show up, so our Alternates took their seats. If they didn’t want Paul to do well, they should have showed up.

To be fair, the 5th District Convention was conducted very fairly, at least from what I saw. I did read one account that said that the nominating committee tried to stifle Ron Paul delegates from getting on the ballot. However, I also read another that suggests it was completely fair. Frankly, I saw nothing to suggest that it was in any way unfair. All three candidates for each race (Delegate and Alternate) were given a shot, and 5 of the 6 won. The 6th, I had heard, was very close (had he not gone into a rant bashing each of the other candidates, he would have probably won too).

It will be interesting to see what happens at State at the end of May. Paul did very well in the three conventions that happened this weekend, winning somewhere between 6 and 8 delegates when the Party Elites and the Media figured he’d get none. If the State convention is conducted honestly, we could pick up more delegates there too, there are 8 available.

If only the anti-Paulites would recognize that it isn’t in their best interest to marginalize us. They need our votes bad in November, and though they are unlikely to get many of them, they won’t get any if they continue to show such utter disrespect for us. I for one have no problem with McCain losing in November. GW Bush was too Liberal to get my vote in 2000 or 2004, but I’d much rather see Presidential term limits eliminated and give him two more terms than see McCain as President.

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