I’m just catching up with myself after being gone over the weekend. My wife and I, along with our son and our moms went on a three-night cruise to the Bahamas last weekend. It was a great time to go too, as the weather in Minnesota was in the 20’s and in Florida and the Bahamas it was in the low 80’s.

On Sunday night, I watched the Superbowl on the cruise ship. It was, in my opinion, a pretty boring game for the first 3½ quarters. To make things even more boring, the ship had the game on an international feed of the NFL network, so there were no commercials. Instead of commercials, they showed a zoomed out shot of the stadium in Glendale, and audio of the commentators talking to each other and preparing for Fox to come back to the game.

For the game itself, I was leaning slightly in favor of New York, so I was pleased that they pulled off the upset win. The look on Randy Moss’ face when New York got the winning touchdown at the end was priceless. He clearly was looking forward to being crowned the savior of the game having made the touchdown that put the Patriots in the lead just minutes before.