Yesterday I wrote about the scathing hypocrisy on the left. A blatant example that is in the news now is the so-called fairness doctrine. It applies to radio broadcasts, and states that any show that mainly consists of opinion must present both sides of an issue. In other words, Sean Hannity would have to bring Alan Colmes over to his radio show if he wanted to stay on the air.

Of course the fact that it only applies to radio is significant, because radio is the only medium that is dominated by conservatives. Newspapers and television would get a free pass and be allowed to continue stacking their newsrooms and editorial columns with flaming liberals. Universities would continue to be dominated by leftists.

Never mind the Constitution either. Free Speech and a Free Press, according to the left, only applies to them. Freedom of Association seems to mean “you are free to associate with leftists, but not free not to associate with them.” Because this would also likely affect religious radio as well, they can finish off the First Amendment by attacking one’s right to express religious views over the radio airwaves. But then, we conservatives are the authoritarian ones because we would like to be left alone and free to hold our own views.

As is usual, the left has put itself in a position where rather than competing in the market, they have chosen to try to outlaw the competition. Private and Home schools are performing considerably better than the leftist NEA dominated government schools, and so the left refuses to allow “choice” when considering how to spend our own tax dollars on education. Leftists in one state raise taxes to criminal levels and rather than competing with other states that keep taxes to reasonable levels they pass laws making it difficult for people to leave1. Instead of competing in the realm of ideas surrounding homosexuality and make the case for it, they have opted to silence their political opponents through “Hate Speech” legislation.

And we’re the authoritarians!

1In Minnesota, license tabs for vehicles are very expensive. Many Minnesotans have lake cabins in Wisconsin, so they have in the past used their Wisconsin addresses to license their vehicles where tabs are much cheaper. Minnesota responded by passing a law that makes it a crime to license your vehicle in another state. They could have lowered the price below that of Wisconsin and flipped the trend, benefiting their own residents while at the same time providing an incentive for people from other states to spend their vehicle registration dollars in Minnesota and increasing their budget at the same time.