All across the country today, illegal immigrants protested current immigration law, and rallied to become legalized.

“I came here like everyone else here to make sure we get a just immigration reform law passed,” said Abel Corona, 34, an illegal immigrant* from Mexico marching downtown here. “We are not going anywhere. We are not criminals. We came here to work and even to help this country economically.”

Now, we’ve been told repeatedly that it is not practical to deport these illegal aliens because we couldn’t possibly find them. It seems that today, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) missed out on quite an opportunity. There were thousands all congregated in the same place. It seems to me that they should have pulled up some buses and started hauling them south. Since they didn’t bother (maybe today was another Federal holiday or something), they will now have to scout out various Home Depot parking lots to find these guys trying to go back to work tomorrow.

*To see the NY Times actually call them illegal immigrants is a bit shocking, but pleasantly so. It seems progress is being made.