I’m glad to see that our military leadership has decided not to allow political correctness to keep them from perusing the enemy when that enemy attacks and then flees to the sanctuary of a house of worship. At one time, churches in Europe were considered to be on sovereign land, and as such could grant amnesty to anyone they wished. No one given amnesty was allowed to use the church as a sort of safety zone from which they could continue fighting from, without fear of being killed themselves. These Muslim despots, on the other hand, are merely trying to capitalizing on a perceived weakness in our rules of engagement. They have no regard whatsoever for the innocent life in the mosques that they flee to. I say if a single shot comes from a mosque, our guys are free to level that mosque.

This tactic is very similar to one used by Palestinian terrorist. They love to hide in crowds of women and children while shooting at soldiers. Many times the women and children in the crowds are throwing stones at the soldiers, not an act worthy of being fired at, but the media never shows the guys with AK-47’s that are shooting at the soldiers. When the Israeli’s shoot back in self-defense, they’re portrayed as the despicable aggressors.