I mentioned before that I am a conspiracy theorist, to a degree. One conspiracy I completely buy is that the downing of TWA flight 800 in July of 1996 was due to a shoulder-fired missile, not a short in the wiring in a fuel tank as the FAA wants us to believe. I found that when an event like that happens, you get the purest news immediately afterward. It’s usually not for a couple days that the false explanations and cover-ups begin. I remember the first few days after the crash that the only explanation being given was that it was taken down by either a bomb on board, or a missile.

An article on World Net Daily today links Richard Clark to the cover-up that ensued once the government came up with their “official explanation.” This guy continues to look worse and worse all the time. It makes me wonder what kind of story would have been made up about the September 11th attacks if Gore had been elected President. I have little doubt he would have continued the Clintonian policy of covering up any terrorist attacks that could be covered up, and ignoring those that couldn’t be covered up. Clark would have been held over from Clinton to Gore, and would still have his job, and he’d still be making up stories. (Well, in a way he still is.)