It’s being reported that the passengers of the flight that hit the south tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 may have tried to fight back. It’s long been believed that the passengers of Flight 93, which went down in Pennsylvania may have been responsible for that plane crashing into an open field, rather than a building such as the Capitol or the White House, but no one has said anything until now about any of the other flights.

I think this is exactly why we’ll never have another 9/11 in America, especially with domestic flights. Hijackers using anything short of a minigun would have a hard time keeping themselves from being beated to death by passengers before they could do any real damage. I, for one, would have no problem sending these guys to meet Allah by throwing them out of an open door if I were on oneof those planes.

I’ve said for some time, I think the best security we could have on our planes is to issue a 9mm to every passenger over the age of 14 as they get on the plane. Who in their right mind would try to take control of an airplane if they knew that in less than 5 seconds, they’d have 300 or more pistols aimed between their eyes? It would also be a lot cheaper than the current security measures.

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