I’ve had a hit counter on this blog for some time. It’s located at the botton of the bar on the left. Until now, it was hidden. I had it set up to show a white font and a white background. I set it now to be visible, and also open for all to see. Before, if you knew it was there and clicked on it, it would just take you to the main page of sitemeter.com Now if you click on it, you can see what I see. As I write this, it still appears as the old white-on-white, but tells me that the next time I get a hit, it will change to the new style, a box with a number in it and the sitemeter logo. I have it set up to ignore hits from my computer. If I didn’t the number of hits would be much higher than it is. Feel free to poke around and see what it shows. You can see what browser people use, what operating system they use, their time zone, language, Domain (or IP address if there is no domain), and a bunch more. I have a couple of visitors that I can’t identify (they show up as only IP adresses). If you’re one of them, welcome and thanks for visiting. Leave a comment and say “hi”.