I started my original blog back in October of 2003 because I was curious to see if I could install Movable Type on my Linux server myself, with my very limited knowledge of Linux, and nonexistent knowledge of web server software. Since then, I have not only switched to WordPress on my own, but I have played around with a few other programs too. I thought I’d write a list of free server programs that I’ve at least toyed with, and liked (at least from what I’ve seen).

  • OS Commerce (Online Store Software)
    I have toyed with this, and want to play with it some more sometime. It is a good place to start if you have any curiosity about starting an online store. It supports secure HTTP, though I haven’t had time to get it working securely myself. I won’t be starting my own online store, but I may help others get their own e-commerce presence going once I really figure it out.
  • Mambo (Content Management)
    I toyed with Mambo a while ago after seeing the link at the bottom of the page over at Mish Mash. He is using it as blog software, but it does much more. I currently have a Mambo-driven site up on the personal side of my server for things like link lists and notes. It does more than I am likely to ever need.
  • Coppermine (Photo Gallery)
    My wife and I have a blog up for family/friends, which we started shortly before getting engaged. In conjunction with that, I set up a photo gallery using Coppermine. I really like the way it works. I personally like it better than most (if not all) web photo services, paid or free. Having my own server allows me the liberty of unlimited storage, but I pay for it with very limited bandwidth.
  • WordPress (Blog Software)
    Wordpress is the engine behind this blog 🙂
  • Movable Type (Blog Software)
    This blog used to be run by Movable Type. I have not used it since version 2.661. It is available in a free version, but is limited to a single blog and author. I prefer to use software that allows me multiple blogs and authors without cost, which is primarily why I moved to WordPress.

I am always looking for more useful programs that I can run on my web server. Thankfully, most programs seem to run on PHP and MySQL these days, so the more I try, the easier they get for me to install.

I am currently looking for a program that will allow me to make lists of web links, categorized to my liking. I am using Mambo to do it, but have a feeling there has to be a better way, since it is more of a side feature of Mambo, rather than the main purpose of it.

If anyone has any other free programs that run on a web server, please leave them in the comments.

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