The slogan from the last post was especially funny this morning because I was stuck in Granite City traffic on the way to work. Now, when I moved here, I assumed this town couldn’t possibly have traffic that could be considered annoying. I was wrong. In the middle of the day, it would take about 10 minutes to get from my apartment to my office. In the morning I usually give myself about 20 minutes. This morning, for some unknown reason, it took longer than that. All I can figure is that the city engineers either don’t know how to time the stoplights, or have no desire to time them efficiently. Fargo was the same way. I think these 50-100,000 person towns are just so happy to be large enough to HAVE stoplights, they don’t think about how to use them. Ideally, if you are driving down a major road and get to a light just as it turns yellow, you should get to every subsequent light as they turn yellow too. That way, when you hit one green, most of them will be green. For some reason in these smaller cities, they all turn red at about the same time. This usually means you hit about 2/3 of them red.
