Yesterday was probably the best Superbowl Sunday for me I can remember. The game itself was okay, but it was before the game that made the day great. I had a great time on a second date that most would be unimpressed by. What can I say? We looked at Toilet Bowl cleaner together! I hope she gets a chuckle reading that. She showed up early enough to go check out a new church with me, which I liked but will be checking out at least one other before I become a regular attender. We then went to look at furniture, which was a lot of fun. A quick trip through Target, some lunch, and then some time just talking and getting to know each other a little more.

The Superbowl, as I mentioned, was okay. The game was close, and came down to a feild goal with 4 seconds left on the clock. The commercials were interesting, but nothing spectacular. MasterCard did have a good one with Homer Simpson, but it didn’t make up for there not being a Simpsons on last night. This morning there is a lot of talk about the Half-Time show, which I didn’t see. Sounds like Justin Timberlake ripped Janet Jackson’s top off, for millions of innocent children to see. I say that’s what you get when you put MTV in charge of the show. What’s interesting is apparently they promised a shocker before the show, but afterwards apologised and claimed it was an accident. Shah!! Right!!! And monkeys might fly out of my butt! (10 points to the first person to name who that’s quoting)