A few days ago, the Supreme Court betrayed our nation once again. Earlier this year, Senators John McCain (R- Arizona) and Russ Feingold (D- Wisconsin) pushed through legislation that restricted campaign finance by stripping the average American of one avenue of Free Speech. It says that for 30 days before a primary election, and 60 days before a mainstream election, special interest groups and individuals cannot take out ads against a candidate. G.W. pushed the knife further into our backs by signing the legislation saying that even though he disliked the bill, the support for it led him to sign it and that the Supreme Court would overturn the bill. Or at least the most controversial parts of it. Well, rather than overturning the bill, the Supremes took the knife in our backs and twisted it. Most people don’t understand the impact of this new law. They don’t care because they can’t afford to take out ads anyway. This is lunacy!!! Not utilizing a Constitutional right is one thing, but not having that right is completely another.

I think it’s amazing what kind of emotion comes out at the mere mention of the words “Special Interest”. He people, if we get together and start an organization that uses our collective voting power to lobby Congress to support County Fairs, we’re a special interest. This is why the left is so against special interests. (County Fairs is just an idea pulled out of thin air, it could be anything). Special Interests are a way of allowing average people without the resources to do things on their own to pool their resources to get something done. It’s really a way for the little guy to be involved, but then no matter how much the left speaks out in favor of the little guy, they actually want the little guy silenced and dependent on them.

Before this law, I could start a pool to raise money to make a TV commercial describing all the bad things some politician did in office in order to try to get him voted out of office. With this new law that the Supreme Court upheld, I’m beholden upon the left-wing media to do this for me.

This is the first strike at eliminating the First Amendment. I recently read an op-ed that put it best, the day is coming when we have to exercise our Second Amendment rights in order to exercise our First Amendment rights.